Argentina’s geopolitics relegated by domestic determinants (2001–2017). A mention to the Tri-Border case

Priscila Palacio


At the beginning of this century, while geopolitics resurged worldwide, the Argentine state relegated the formulation of geopolitics because of domestic determinants. Since 2001, pressing social needs marked the government agenda. The Kirchners pursued the protectionism and embraced the integration of South America, however not in its economic dimension; they retook the Falklands’ claim, but left the borders unprotected. It made explicit the discrediting of geopolitics and the absence of the State in the Tri-Border. From 2016, Macri reshaped security policy because of domestic causes. He strengthened border control and approached the United States. There was no strategic policy for the Tri-Border.


Argentina’s geopolitics, Tri-Border, international relations


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Date of publication: 2019-02-05 09:32:37
Date of submission: 2019-02-04 12:16:53


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