Synoptic conditions of advection of polar air masses over the Lublin region
The aim of the study is to characterize the frequency and determinants of the synoptic conditions of advection of polar air masses over the Lublin region. Their occurrence in the regional scale in the years 1951–2010 based on lower synoptic maps for 12 UTC, which derived from PIHM/IMGW-PIB. The annual frequency of polar air masses (maritime fresh – mPf, martime old – mPo, maritime warm – mPw and continental – cP) reached 82.5%. The highest frequency of these air masses refers to Polar maritime old air (mPo), with a frequency exceeding 37% (the maximum in summer and the minimum in spring). In the years 1951–2010, there were signifi cant changes in the frequency of advection of CP air (average decrease by 11 days per 10 years), mPf (decrease by 7 days per 10 years), and mPw (increase by 11 days per 10 years). In all seasons, mPo was most likely to be recorded from western direction, mPw from western and southwestern directions, mPf from western and northwestern directions, while CP air from eastern and southeastern directions.
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Date of publication: 2019-06-05 09:01:29
Date of submission: 2018-06-20 11:17:14
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