Slovaks in Serbia - Research in the Village of Vojlovica by Means of Multitemporal Analysis of Cultural Landscape Layers

Marian Žabenský, Jana Hučková


Using an example of cultural landscape research in the village of Vojlovica through a multitemporal analysis of cultural landscape layer transects, several generalizations of ethnographic, cultural and historical character could be formulated. Cultural landscapes leave behind traces (cultural landscape layers) that mirror the relationship of culture and society on a given territory. The research was focused predominantly on the 19th and 20th centuries. During this period colonization and establishment of Vojlovica village took place. Subsequently, the development of agriculture took place, which gave the country agricultural character. After World War II, industrialisation takes place, which also changes the culture of local people. In recent years, we can notice a more significant impact of globalization, with an emphasis on thinking of an individual/ society in the context of a new cultural development of society.


cultural landscape, Lower Land, Slovaks in Serbia, Vojlovica, colonization

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Date of publication: 2018-07-27 12:57:27
Date of submission: 2017-07-11 12:08:44


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