The Diversity of Employment Insurance Family Members

Anna Katarzyna Pasternak


Employed family members do not constitute a category of persons assisting as employees. They constitute a separate category of insured persons as assisting persons. In order to qualify for this category of insured persons, they must meet several prerequisites. First of all, basic qualifying criteria for a group of employees must be met. Such persons must also remain in the same household as a person conducting non-agricultural business. This prerequisite is not very well specified and raises a lot of controversy, it will be individually considered in each case. It does not apply to minors signing an employment contract for vocational training as in such a situation, the minor has the status of an employee and not an assisting person. Therefore, the employment of family members is not of a uniform nature and is subject to separate regulations.


insurance entities; title insurance; employee; collaborator; cooperation in conducting an economic activity; staying in the same household

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Date of submission: 2015-07-28 22:10:28


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