How Personality Disorder Traits Relate to the Experience of Romantic Love in Prisoners

Katarzyna Czubak, Barbara Gawda


The present paper is focused on the analysis of relationship between personality disorder traits and the experience of romantic love in prisoners. The literature reveals that a wide range of personal and social pathologies stem from love pathology. The paper is focused on individuals with personality disorder traits, which trigger many social and personal problems. The study included 185 inmates from four different state prisons displaying personality disorder traits. These traits were measured through the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Axis II Disorders (4th edition). The experience of love was analysed basing on  a narrative technique. The multiple regression analyses show how specified personality disorder traits explain the different ways of experiencing love in prisoners. Personality disorder traits generally contribute to an altered experience of love, usually making it negative, ambivalent, or unclear, positivity of love is negatively associated with personality disorder traits. Experiencing of love in prisoners indicates a greater sense of denial of love, they withdraw from love experience. Personality disorder traits in prisoners are associated with rejection of love.


experience of love; withdrawal from love; personality disorders; inmates

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Date of publication: 2020-10-31 02:03:59
Date of submission: 2020-02-14 10:52:25


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