Relation between an Afterimage Induced by Male or Female Figures and Emotions

Mirosław Harciarek


Studies exploring the relationship that occurs between an afterimage induced by a stimulus of certain meaning and emotions are presented in this paper. Obtained results shed light on the afterimage phenomenon’s function in the perception process, as well as help to answer the question of the degree to which an afterimage is a carrier (manifestation, reflection) of emotional content of perceived stimulus. The relation between duration time of an afterimage of a female figure with regard to duration time of an afterimage of a male figure and the level of emotional problems concerning one’s mother was examined. Sixty-eight students of both genders took part in this research. The results showed that high level of emotional problems concerning one’s mother elongates duration time of an afterimage of a female figure with regard to duration time of an afterimage of a male figure on the statistically significant level. Obtained data allows us to conclude that duration time of an afterimage is related to emotional problems of an examined person.


perception; afterimage; emotions; meaning

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Date of publication: 2020-10-31 02:04:16
Date of submission: 2020-04-20 12:42:54


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