Practical Training as a Necessary Component of Future Professional Preschool Teacher’s Training in Higher Educational Institutions in Ukraine

Olena Hnizdilova, Marija Czepil, Oresta Karpenko


The article presents the research results obtained within the joint Ukrainian-Austrian research project “The quality of preschool teachers’ training in Austria and Ukraine: a comparative analysis” in 2023/2024 (UA 02/2023). The practical training content of the applicants of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education majoring in specialty 012 Preschool education within the educational and professional program “Preschool Education” in Ukrainian universities has been analyzed. The organizational aspects of pedagogical internship of future preschool teachers are considered. It is substantiated that a pedagogical internship ensures their readiness for continuous improvement and professional growth. It is the key to professional competence formation. The types of pedagogical internships that students undergo according to the specified educational and professional program are characterized. The value of every kind of educational and work placement internship has been proven. It is shown that they differ in purpose, content, objectives, organizational and pedagogical forms, methods, and approaches to the integration of educational, upbringing, research, organizational, and methodical activities with children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution. The need to implement educational propaedeutic internships from the first days of students’ studies at the university is emphasized. As it is a key to the formation of a stable interest in the chosen profession. It has been proven that work placement pedagogical internship, which has an active nature, creates conditions for the student’s personality self-realization, ensures success in professional self-determination, and forms students’ professional competencies, which are necessary for their independent performance of the functions of preschool teacher.


practical training; pedagogical internship; preschool teacher; preschool educational institution; higher educational institution

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Date of publication: 2023-12-08 14:38:52
Date of submission: 2023-08-15 22:41:24


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