Pedagogical Elements of New Workers’ Socio-Occupational (Lead) Adaptation

Tadeusz Aleksander


The objective conditions of professional training in the field of education and the specificity of work-related activities involve the need to provide adaptation training to newly-hired workers. Adaptation is an intentional, educational process. It constitutes the beginning of a long, multi-stage occupational development process and is reduced to four activity areas: a) adjusting the newly-hired worker to the social environment of the work establishment and workers, b) inducing this worker to an efficient work, c) familiarizing such a person with the activities of social departments (e.g. self-governing bodies, trade unions, special-interest groups) operating within the work establishment, d) adjusting such a worker to organizational conditions of work (working time, length of stay in the work post, punctuality and work discipline). Treating the adapted workers as a potential force capable of improving the functioning and development of the work establishment, creates the characteristic feature of the adaptation process. In different companies this process should start with developing the adaptation programme which should be implemented in a thoughtful manner. The basic adaptation strategy includes additional training and professional development in different forms which are constantly diversified and refined.


adaptation; socio-occupational adaptation; the range of adaptation; the dynamics of adaptation; adaptation programme; professional development and training; forms of professional development and training

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Date of publication: 2017-11-09 08:16:39
Date of submission: 2017-07-27 15:18:42


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