Lviv region university students’ ethnic identity formation

Marija Czepil, Alla Revt


In the article the concept of “ethnic identity” is considered, its types are described. The perception of ethnic identity depends on the environment (polyethnic or monoethnic) which a person lives in. The conducted research on psychological features of ethnic identity of students of universities of Lviv region showed that the subjects are characterized by low and lower average levels of ethnonigilism, as well as low and middle levels of ethnic isolation. Students with a lower level of ethnonigilism have a higher level of external control than those with a lower level than average. Persons with a low level of ethnic isolation have a higher level of ethnic indifference and a desire for social status when compared to those with an average level of ethnic isolation.


university students; ethnic identity; types of ethnic identity; developmental factors; ethnic/monoethnic environment

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:15
Date of submission: 2018-09-16 23:05:40


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