The state of creative technology of situation studying implementation into higher pedagogical educational institutions

Inna Osadchenko


Proceeding from the literature review and empirical material, the article describes the creative technology method of situation studying implementation into Ukrainian higher pedagogical educational institutions. It was concluded that the creative technology of situation studying in the training of future teachers is used in Ukrainian higher educational institutions fragmentarily. That is in the form of a single and non-systematic use of specific situation analysis method and the actual absence of the case method use. At the same time, the use predominantly appears in the conditions of traditional education, when the pedagogical situation analysis is done by a teacher or an individual student, and discussions, common acceptance and decision justifiation do not occur. The survey identifid that the elementary application level of the indicated educational technology is caused by lack of teachers’ psychological and didactic preparation for this process.


technological approach; educational technology; creative technology of situation studying; higher pedagogical educational institutions; training of future teachers

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:25
Date of submission: 2018-09-16 23:49:05


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