Selected Personality Traits and Dysfunctional Emotion Regulation as a Risk Factor for Arterial Hypertension

Pavel Larionov, Paweł Izdebski


The article presents a review of research on the role of stress, selected psychological factors and dysfunctional emotion regulation on the development of arterial hypertension (AH). According to the psychogenic views on the etiology of AH, dysfunctional emotion regulation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of AH and is its risk factor. The most characteristic psychological traits of patients with AH are anxiety, some dimensions of alexithymia, non-adaptive coping with stress, suppressed emotions, rigid attitudes towards oneself and the world. Dysfunctional emotion regulation is expressed in the inability to quickly regain emotional balance and more intense emotional experience of significant situations in patients with AH. It was indicated that the study of personality traits of patients with AH is contradictory and the isolated study of personality traits without taking into account their relationship with other phenomena of a somatic or psychological nature is of little importance to understand the pathogenetic mechanisms of AH development. Some reflections on spiritual health and its relationship with the AH were presented. Also, methods of further research on the emotion regulation in people with AH have been proposed, which should be carried out from the perspective of unity “biological predisposition – personality – situationˮ.


arterial hypertension; emotion regulation; personality; stress; risk factor

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Date of publication: 2020-06-29 17:49:01
Date of submission: 2019-06-07 17:54:52


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