Adaptation of the Polish Version of the Family-Centered Practice Scale Questionnaire to Study the Quality of Relationships Between Professionals and Families Benefiting from Institutional Support

Jarosław Przeperski, Małgorzata Grządzielewska


The article is a part of the evaluation research and evidence-based practice and theory. Changes taking place in public policies in the social area require scientific evaluation. Unfortunately, the right tools are often missing, especially when system users are respondents. Filling this gap, the authors selected and then adapted the tool to assess the quality of relationships between professionals and families who use the support services – Family-Centered Practice Scale created by Carl J. Dunst, Carol M. Trivette and Deborah W. Hamby from the Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute (USA). The aim of the article was, therefore, a cultural adaptation of the Polish version of the questionnaire and validation of its psychometric properties. The scale consists of two dimensions (relational and participative) and four subscales. In the process of adjusting the scale to conditions in Poland, language adaptation, cultural adaptation, psychometric validation and scale normalization were made. The obtained results indicate high accuracy and reliability of the questionnaire, which means that the presented scale can be used to determine the quality of relations between employees of aid institutions and families.


family-centerdeness; family; collaboration; family social work; Family-Centered Practice Scale

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Date of publication: 2020-03-27 19:13:26
Date of submission: 2019-07-01 14:54:54


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