Right-Wing Populism in Sweden – the Case of the Sweden Democrats

Sabina Długosz


The rise of populist groups has made it essential to analyse the dominant parties in modern Europe. Right-wing movements deserve particular attention in this case. The article addresses the issue of Swedish right wing populism, using the example of the governance of the Sweden Democrats. The ways of defining the indicated terms are discussed, considering the context of the 2022 parliamentary elections. The text provides an understanding of the strategies used by populist groups in Sweden and their impact on shaping public discourse, particularly in the growing importance of migration issues in Europe. The considerations are based on how the issue of migration has been used to dominate the public sphere. The study was prepared using a case study approach and content analysis. The aim was to analyse the vital electoral platforms of the Sweden Democrats. Both Polish- and foreign-language sources were used for the research. The article examines how the populist right presents the migration issue and what measures it employs to increase public support. The analysis shows that the key to the Sweden Democrats’ electoral victory was a rebranding initiated by the party leadership in the 1990s and the presentation of clear and straightforward goals to limit migration to Sweden.


Sweden Democrats, populism, migration, radical right, Sweden

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/k.2024.31.2.37-51
Date of publication: 2024-12-28 19:30:13
Date of submission: 2024-09-09 11:38:23


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