The tendency to worry, self-esteem and the subjective quality of life of children from large families.

Oktawia Agnieszka Zalewska


The purpose of this study was to check if there were the differences of tendency to worry, self-esteem and subjective quality of life of children from large families as main group and between two control groups: children from families with two children and children from families with one child. To measure the variables following questionnaires were used: Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children, a method designed to investigate the tendency to worry, the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children and Youth. To verify hypotheses and assumptions 226 children were surveyed: 94 children from large families, 99 children from families with two children and 33 children from families with one child. The respondents age range was 8–13 years. The children originated from urban and rural areas. There was formulated the hypothesis postulating differences between the group of children from large families and groups of children from families with two children and one child in the level of subjective quality of life, the tendency to worry and self-esteem in children from large families. Children from large families have a higher tendency to worry, a lower self-esteem and subjective quality of life; children from families with two children have the highest self esteem; children from families with one child have the highest level of subjective quality of life. Research may provide inspiration for further research due to application value.


tendency to worry, self-esteem, subjective quality of life, children from large families

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Date of publication: 2020-06-03 13:24:53
Date of submission: 2019-12-01 12:20:58


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