The Danish Origo gentis Theories in Early Modern Historiography

Krystyna Szelągowska


The aim of this paper is to show how Early Modern (16th and 17th centuries) Danish historiography, within the pursuit of the goal of forming a new vision of national history, constructed the new theory of the nation’s origin. Simultaneosly, the paper attempts to trace the dependencies on the medieval heritage and present the evolution of the ideas. To fullfil those goals, the confrontation of medieval theories (Saxo Grammaticus, Annales Ryenses and the Danish Rhymed Chronicle) with the Early Modern creations was performed, with the purpose of pointing which elements were preserved and which needed to be supplemented. The Bible and the ancient classical historians and geographers delivered necessary information to the scholars (Niels Pedersen – Petreius, Claus Lyschander, Niels Strelow) making it possible to proof the Cimbrian origin of the Danish nation. The ways in which this reasoning was accomplished show the variety of forms and methodological approaches together with different ideological standpoints.


Early modern Danish historiography; gothicism; ethnogenesis; origo gentis

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Date of publication: 2022-12-14 08:36:39
Date of submission: 2021-04-06 13:25:06


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