Obodrites and Normans Versus the East Frankish State after the Death of Louis the German in the Ninth Century

Jarosław Jacek Sochacki


Relations between the Obodrites and Normans, and the East Franks in the first decades of the ninth century have been described quite extensively. However, the situation changed with regard to the availability of source material concerning the period that followed. Due to this scarcity, the article is not focused on the nature of the aforementioned relations, but rather investigates the occasions on which they took place. As a result of the research process, contrary to popular belief held in the literature on the subject, it has been concluded that one should reject the assumption that the Obodrites were militarily active in the years 880 and 886. It was only in 889 that a military expedition led by Arnulf of Carinthia against the Obodrites took place and a peace agreement was reached in 895 on their initiative. The reasons behind the Slavs’ inaction are not clear, and the conclusions that emerge from the events described in sources in that respect are divergent. The effective countering of the invasion of 889 by the Obodrites suggests the existence of a strong ducal power at that time, whereas their political inactivity would indicate they had been weakened and lacked genuine unity. In those circumstances, it should come as no surprise that there is an absence of links between the activity pursued by the Obodrites and Norman invasions, especially those under the leadership of Siegfried and Gottfried, as well as between the wars waged by Arnulf of Carinthia against Svatopluk. Therefore, the main aim of this article is to examine – based on sources, such as annals and chronicles – the moments when the Obodrites and Normans were politically active as well as to inquire into the circumstances behind their actions, wherever possible. The article consists of three main parts: in the first part relations between the Obodrites and the East Franks until 873 were briefly characterized; in the next part the Norman invasions of Europe – which might conceivably have had the greatest influence on the attitude of the Obodrites – were presented, whereas the third chapter was devoted to the principal issue mentioned in the title of the article.


Obodrites; Arnulf of Carinthia; Normans; Siegfried; Gottfried; Svatopluk

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/rh.2024.57.101-119
Date of publication: 2024-10-22 08:44:39
Date of submission: 2023-01-11 12:21:43


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