House of Dieulafait (Paris, 1851–1898)

Przemysław Krystian Faryś


The article focuses on the history of the now almost completely forgotten Dieulafait fashion house existing in Paris at 1. Boulevard de la Madeleine in the second half of the 19th century. The examples of clothing of this Parisian brand, preserved very sparingly in museums and private collections, do not help in deep research. However, they are still very interesting testimonies to the existence of this clothing company and the fashion trends of its times. The analysis of several preserved notarial documents documenting the company’s development cycles and advertisements and press articles about the Dieulafait brand, present a very interesting picture of the development of this company. From a small fur workshop offering also leather goods, to a famous fashion house offering exclusive furs and other outerwear, ready-made clothing and dresses. The history of the company’s development is interesting and reflects the history of European fashion, the production of custom-made clothing and ready-made clothing in the second half of the 19th century. Maison Dieulafait was a part of 19th-century, cosmopolitan Paris, so its history reflects the progress of consumerism and capitalism which shaped the production and trade of exclusive goods. The history of Maison Dieulafait also shows the complexity of the economic and marketing processes that have taken place to maintain and develop this brand for five decades.


Dieulafait fashion house; Maison Dieulafait; Great Exhibition in Paris 1855; Parisian fashion houses; history of Paris; Madeleine boulevard in Paris; fashion of the 19th century

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Date of publication: 2024-10-22 08:46:22
Date of submission: 2023-02-28 19:58:36


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