Lombard, Bulgarians and Greeks. Prejudice and Communication in Liudprand of Cremona’s Story about his Legation to Constantinople in 968

Michał Piotr Tomaszek


This article examines work of Liudprand of Cremona, which is an account of his legation to the court of Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus II Phocas, made in 968 on behalf of western Emperor Otto I the Great. The embassy did not reach a compromise and Liudprand in his text explained its failure. The work is a vividly written, venomous attack against the emperor Nicephorus and his subjects – the Greeks.

The argumentation developed in the article justifies the thesis according to which Liudprand not only called on Emperor Otto and the Lombard princes of Italy to war against Byzantium, and the papal curia – to conduct a tough policy towards the emperor and patriarch. In addition, skilfully using prejudices, he presented his proposal to build a Western identity – the identity of the elites of the Otto state – in very strong opposition to the ancient culture of the Byzantine Greeks.

Liudprand, drawing a caricature of Emperor Nicephorus and his court, the unmanly dress of the Greeks and their hideous food and drink, pointed out that Constantinople did not represent anything positive. He tried to expose the fraudulent delusion of wealth and power of the Eastern Empire. Rituals and ceremonies on the court served to deceive subjects and observers, while the order was already lost. Bishop of Cremona portrayed Byzantine empire as a declining entity – while the future seemed to belong to the peoples living under the scepter of Otto on both sides of the Alps.


Liudprand of Cremona; Otto the Great; Nicephorus II Phocas; Constantinople; medieval diplomacy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/rh.2024.57.141-173
Date of publication: 2024-10-22 08:44:46
Date of submission: 2023-09-29 10:05:47


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