Gente Ruthenus, natione Polonus– dual identity of the elites of the Polish-Lithuanian state in the late Middle Ages and in the early modern times

Andrzej Pleszczyński


The text concerns the emergence of the phenomenon of the double identity of the elites of the Polish-Lithuanian state around the end of the 14th century. It is particularly concerned with the nobility of Ruthenian and orthodox origin, but not only, as the phenomenon extended to other ethnic groups as well. The nature of the dual identity (political, and to some extent ethnic) is discussed, the reasons for its persistence, its political, ideological and social background, and the first causes of its disintegration are outlined.


Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; ethnic identity; political identity; Ruthenia; multiculturalism

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Date of publication: 2024-10-22 08:45:07
Date of submission: 2024-03-04 00:32:45


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