Latvian-Polish Relations in the Autumn of 1919: the Context of the White Army of Bermondt

Ēriks Jēkabsons


The interest in mutual relations in Latvia and Poland was visible already since the beginning of 1919, however, it was only in the summer of 1919 that the Latvian-Polish relations started to develop more dynamically. They were important for both sides. Since the situation in the region was highly complicated, the Latvian-Polish relations exhibited also general policy tendencies, determined by the policy of the Soviet Russia, anti-Bolshevik or White Russia, Germany, Poland, Lithuania (including the relations of both of these states), Latvia, Estonia, Finland and other countries.

The aim of the present paper is to display the state of Latvian-Polish relations from autumn 1919, which was the time of fighting against the white army of Bermondt on the territory of Latvia and Lithuania. Due to common threat, the relations between Latvia and Poland became visibly closer, and they were developing after summer 1919. The relations were determined mainly by the common interests and enemies (Soviet Russia, Germany) in the region. This process got accelerated and gained greater significance as a result of the activities of German armies, also in Latvia and Lithuania. When the German-Russin army commanded by Pavel Bermondt attacked the capital of Latvia in October 1919, Latvians made enormous efforts to stop this offensive. In autumn 1919 during fighting against Bermondt’s army Latvian and Polish relations got closer than before. In case of Latvia, this was due to Latvians’ hope to receive help from Poland in the fighting against Bermondt. At that time, Latvia’s relations with Lithuania were not good due to territorial dispute and differences in foreign policy. In case of Poland, on the other hand, what mattered was the aim of attracting Latvia to Poland in political and military terms in order to exert influence on Lithuania in this way. Simultaneously, another reason was preventing attempts to establish contacts between two Poland’s enemies, Russia and Germany. The final reason was the military factor, based on operational considerations: in the event of Bermondt’s victory, Poland’s potential front against Germany would get significantly longer.


the Baltic region, Latvian-Polish relations, Bermondt, military activities in 1919, Germany, Soviet Russia

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Date of publication: 2018-02-24 20:38:27
Date of submission: 2016-08-06 16:57:48


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