Legal and Financial Aspects of Housing Resources Management by Local Governments

Elżbieta Feret


The article attempts to indicate the operational principles of local government units in connection with a public task related to housing resources. The assumption of the analysis was to narrow down the issues to only two aspects: legal and financial. First, issues related to the legal grounds of the so-called housing management at the local government level were discussed, and then, the methods of financing tasks in this field by local government units. It should be emphasized that, despite an attempt to refer to local government units operating at various levels, a special place for the discussion was given to the municipality, for which the legislator has reserved the greatest number of housing management tasks. In connection with the functioning of this local government level, the principles of financing the housing management were discussed, taking into account organizational and legal forms and their relationship with municipal budget funds as well as the possibilities of obtaining extra-budgetary funds.


housing resources management; municipality; public tasks; budgetary resolution



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Date of publication: 2021-10-13 00:45:27
Date of submission: 2021-05-18 09:11:50


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