Simplifying Criminal Proceedings Using Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Compliance

Zsanett Fantoly


Countries quickly realized that simplifying and speeding up criminal proceedings were essential to increase efficiency. The development of a cooperation system with the prosecution and the related introduction of new legal instruments are the latest achievements of the legislative processes of the last decades. It is also the case of criminal compliance, which allows a company to be actively involved in an investigation and assists the investigating authority to obtain certain benefits in criminal proceedings in return for its cooperation (e.g. not to be charged or to receive a significantly lighter sentence). The emergence of artificial intelligence offers new opportunities for all institutions of society, including jurisprudence. This paper explores the potential application of AI in the context of criminal compliance.


criminal compliance; artificial intelligence; criminal proceeding

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Date of publication: 2024-12-31 10:51:40
Date of submission: 2024-01-24 20:41:49


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