Gloss to the Judgement of the Supreme Court of 28 February 2017 (I CSK 127/16, LEX No. 2297403)

Małgorzata Dumkiewicz


The commented judgement concerns significant legal issue, namely the consequences of ineffective lapse of a six-month time limit for notification of share capital increase in a limited liability company, in respect of in-kind contributions in the form of real estate (property), that have been made before that time limit. Article 256 § 3 of the Code of Commercial Companies refers to respective application of Article 169 of the Code of Commercial Companies in respect to the registration of an amendment to the company deed. In the commented judgement, the Supreme Court explained how the above-mentioned reference should be interpreted in the case of the increase of share capital in a limited liability company for an in-kind contributions in the form of the share in the ownership of a property.


kind contributions; real estate (property); share capital increase in a limited liability company; registration of an amendment to the company deed

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Date of publication: 2019-12-02 17:42:57
Date of submission: 2019-07-11 13:17:40


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