Demographic and Socio-Economic Factors as Barriers to Robo-Advisory Acceptance in Poland
Theoretical background: One manifestation of the use of artificial intelligence technology in financial services is robo-advisory. Automated assistants are used in the area of communication with consumers and the sale of financial products. The development of robo-advisory services may contribute to increasing the availability of financial services and the cost efficiency of banks’ operations. So far, however, robo-advisory has not been widely used in bank services, and the reasons for this can be seen in the lack of wide acceptance of robo-advisory by bank customers, among other things.
Purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to identify barriers to the acceptance of robo-advisory in the services of banks operating in Poland. Variables relating to the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of consumers were analysed. Knowledge in this area can provide banks with a practical guideline for activities aimed at increasing acceptance of artificial intelligence technology and wider use of robo-advisory in financial services.
Research methods: The paper uses the results of a survey conducted in October 2020 regarding the application of artificial intelligence technology in the banking sector in Poland. The survey included a representative sample of 911 Polish citizens aged 18–65. A multinomial logit model was employed to identify variables that represent significant barriers to robo-advisory acceptance in financial services.
Main findings: The conducted research helped identify the barriers to acceptance of robo-advisory among consumers in Poland. A low propensity to use robo-advisory in bank services is characteristic of respondents from older age groups, as well as those who do not show a predilection for testing new technological solutions. Lack of experience in using investment advisory services and customer concerns about the misuse of personal data by banks are also significant barriers.
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Date of publication: 2022-12-09 11:19:10
Date of submission: 2022-05-01 15:03:08
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