Disclosure of Non-Financial Information in Banks – an ESG Perspective. Regulatory Requirements and Banking Practice
Theoretical background: Banks, due to their nature and a specific role in the economy, are subject to significant regulations in the field of their activities. Currently, the increasing importance of ESG regulations is noticeable, which is on the one hand the result of changing requirements within the EU, as well as ownership requirements and noticeable market pressure. Non-financial disclosures in the area of ESG are becoming permanent and important element of the information policy of banks. Banks manage to monitor the indicators of their own environmental policy or disclose social and employee issues, although this certainly involves additional reporting burdens, and the scope of disclosures as well as the degree of their significance still vary.
Purpose of the article: The aim of the study is to identify, systematize and evaluate EU regulations in the area of ESG disclosures relating to the banking sector, taking into account the identification of major limitations related to their implementation.
Research methods: The literature review as well as ESG reporting regulations overview and a case study which presents the ESG disclosure practice.
Main findings: Effective communication of a bank with its stakeholders is of a crucial importance. As indicated, the legal solutions in this area are new, there are possibilities for their different interpretation, the practice has also not yet been developed. In addition, and perhaps above all, information on the imple mentation of environmental goals indicated in the Taxonomy flows to banks from their clients. Therefore, the approach of bank customers to the discussed issues is important, while for banks it is and will be a huge challenge to verify whether the financed investment is actually ecological and the business activity of the bank’s client is sustainable.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/h.2023.57.2.157-174
Date of publication: 2023-06-27 19:34:49
Date of submission: 2022-12-01 14:16:55
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