Soft Skills and Education for Circular Economy, Citizens and Consumers
Theoretical background: Dominating most of the world models of linear economy threatens the environment and our lives, so it needs to be replaced by the circular economy (CE) model. However, its functioning requires educated, competent and ready-for-change citizens and consumers.
Purpose of the article: An exploratory research was conducted on business students as consumers and potential future entrepreneurs to identify students’ readiness and preparation for CE.
Research methods: The semi-structured survey was designed. Three hundred nineteen responses were collected from MCSU students.
Main findings: Students must be sufficiently prepared to function in the circular economy. This applies to both competencies essential for the role of a consumer and a manager in CE. Higher education institutions (HEI) must take a challenge to stimulate circular entrepreneurship and influence the transformation of consumption style. Economic motives for consumption style change dominate over moral motives. There is a challenge to work on consumer awareness and entrepreneurial readiness. Positive examples of CE models and practices and appropriate didactic methods need to be implemented. Respondents underline that transformation toward CE requires the education of all society members. There is a need to continue research on the determinants of society’s readiness to move to CE.
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Date of publication: 2023-06-27 19:34:46
Date of submission: 2023-01-30 14:00:49
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