Just Culture Maturity Assessment Tool and Its Application in Medium-Sized Food Company in Poland
Theoretical background: Ensuring food safety requires the development of an appropriate food safety culture, including its important subculture – just culture (JC). JC is a fair, proportional, and transparent way in which individuals are held accountable for errors. JC in the food sector is an element of food safety culture and is one in which all employees within a food company are encouraged to provide and feel comfortable providing food safety-related information. It is an atmosphere of trust in which food handlers are convinced they will be treated fairly based on their actions rather than the outcome of those actions, in the case of positive, as well as negative food safety. No approach for the food sector for measuring this phenomenon is seen in the literature.
Purpose of the article: The article aims to present a proposal for a tool for assessing just culture in a food company and to discuss the results of empirical validation of this tool in a selected organization.
Research methods: A literature review was conducted to identify tools for measuring JC in different industries. The primary research method was a case study, including a documentation analysis, based on the READ approach. The just culture maturity assessment tool (JCMAT) used by the company was statistically verified. To interpret the results, the so-called Enlighten 4C Food Safety Culture model was applied.
Main findings: The JCMAT has proven to be a reliable tool for exploring JC maturity. A set of dimensions were proposed to constitute JC. The surveyed organization has reached the “awakening” maturity level. Socio-demographic characteristics did not have a major impact on respondents’ opinions about the JCMAT statements.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/h.2023.57.4.217-235
Date of publication: 2023-12-23 17:34:19
Date of submission: 2023-06-04 18:23:13
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