Simultaneous decrease and increase of the share capital – reasons and results
Share capital is the basis of corporation. It can be increased in the time of development and decreased in the time of activity contracting. But the simultaneous decrease and increase of the share capital serves different aims and allows to meet different needs. The aim of this paper is to identify the reasons and the results of simultaneous decrease and increase of the share capital. The sample contains 20 companies. The analysis covers the period 2010–2014. The most common ways of simultaneous decrease and increase of share capital are the following: a) the decrease in the face value of the share and issuance new shares and b) redemption of shares and issuance new shares. These ways allow to allocate the resources among the companies in the capital group, allow to change the ownership structure initiated by both owners and company, and allow to improve the financial standing of the company at the expense of the shareholders. Because the simultaneous decrease and increase of the share capital includes different results for the company (capital structure and the pool of assets) and for the shareholders (the pool of shares and the stake in the company), it is a flexible tool of achieving aims at the specific moments of running the corporation.
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Date of publication: 2016-01-28 11:03:56
Date of submission: 2015-06-12 14:22:01
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