Browse Title Index

Issue Title
No 37 (2024): New Technologies and Old Problems, ed. by Marcin Trybulec and Tomasz Walczyk Homo Creator and Creative Machines Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Katarzyna Makocka-Wojsiat
No 26 (2018): Obecność Hegla Hope and a good life. Reflections concerning Plato and Thomas Aquinas Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Friedo Ricken SJ
No 12 (2014): Issues in German Philosophy Hope and a good life. Reflections concerning Plato and Thomas Aquinas Abstract   PDF (Deutsch)
Friedo Ricken SJ
No 18 (2016): Diagnosis of Modernity How Can You Be Healthy and Mentally Ill in the XXI Century? Comments about Psychiatry and its Philosophy Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Tadeusz Kobierzycki
No 8 (2013): Problems and Approaches in Axiology and Ethics, ed. by L. Kopciuch, T. Siwiec How Do We Form Our Values and How Are Values Binding? Abstract   PDF (Deutsch)
Christoph Hubig
No 22 (2017) How to Think with Dogs, Mushrooms and Other Creatures? Posthumanism in Relation to Ecological Crisis Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Magdalena Dąbrowska
No 27 (2019) Human – nature – sacrum- The mistery of the existence in selected examples of Polish literature of the XIX and XX century Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Bartłomiej Borek
No 30 (2020) Human Characters and Morality in Ibn Ḥazm's Philosophical Aphorisms Abstract   PDF
Tomasz Jerzy Stefaniuk
No 28 (2019) Human rights as prerequisites of moral freedom. An ontological analysis of political freedom Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Alicja Pietras
No 27 (2019) Human understanding and affectivity - John Locke's and David Hume's Positions Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Adam Grzeliński
No 13 (2015): On Crisis Husserl’s Understanding of Crisis and the Transcendental Phenomenology Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Agnieszka Wesołowska
No 32 (2021) Hypocrisy as a Tool for Social Cohesion. Mandeville’s Thought in Contemporary Thought Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Agnieszka Lilia Droś
No 7 (2013) Ideas of Ffreedom and Harmony in Philosophical Pedagogics in the Era of Russian Revolutions Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Natalia Daniłkina
No 26 (2018): Obecność Hegla Identity and modernity. Review: Jacek Dobrowolski, The rise and fall of the modern human Details   PDF (Język Polski)
Kamil Szymański
No 6 (2013) Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Business Law Firms Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Piotr Nastaj
No 32 (2021) In Defense of a Kuhnian Concept of Moral Progress Abstract
Xuanpu Zhuang
No 10 (2014): From the Idea of Progress to the Idea of Crisis In Direction of Acquainted Praxis. Review: Filozofia jako sztuka życia. Teorie, modele i wzorce dla doradztwa filozoficznego, ed. by A. Woszczyk Details   PDF (Język Polski)
Barbara Czardybon
No 34 (2022) In Search of Self-Knowledge. Calculates Values in Myths as Culture Codes on the Example of Sisyphus, Odysseus and Oedipus Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Ewa Lech
No 26 (2018): Obecność Hegla Individualism versus culturalism in bioethics - based on developments in North America Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Agata Strządała
No 21 (2017) Ingardenowska koncepcja jakości metafizycznych zrekonstruowana i uzupełniona Abstract
Tomasz Kłusek
No 31 (2021) "Intelligent" Technology and Systems Autonomy Abstract
Hans Lenk
No 34 (2022) Interpersonal relations in the perspective of the devaluation of values in the postmodern era Abstract
Kamil Andrzej Flaga
No 8 (2013): Problems and Approaches in Axiology and Ethics, ed. by L. Kopciuch, T. Siwiec Introduction Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Leszek Kopciuch, Tomasz Siwiec
No 23 (2017): Problem podmiotu Introduction Details   PDF (Język Polski)
Przemysław Paczkowski
No 7 (2013) Introduction Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Andrzej Ostrowski
151 - 175 of 436 Items << < 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 > >>