The Olfactor Therapy Method in the Field of Pedagogical Sciences: in Neurodidactics, Special Pedagogy and Speech Therapy

Agnieszka Hamerlińska


Introduction: The pedagogical field in this article refers to neurodidactics, special pedagogy, and speech therapy. In this fields there are searches for newer and newer methods of therapy aimed at supporting development, searching for new methods of teaching, leveling disorders or meeting the special educational needs of people with disabilities.

Research Aim: The characteristics of Agnieszka Hamerlińska’s proprietary Olfactor Therapy Method, which originated at the base of neurodidactics and can be used in the pedagogical space, will be described.

Evidence-based Facts: To date, the use of the sense of smell in ongoing therapeutic-compensatory activities has received fairly little attention.

Summary: The Olfactor Therapy Method is a proprietary, innovative method that can be used in the pedagogical field: in special education and speech therapy as well as in other social sciences, such as psychology. The method primarily uses the sense of smell to enhance cognitive functions (memory, verbal fluency, speech), improve physical, emotional and social functioning
of a person. Fundamental to the method is a novel olfactory stimulation device, the Olfactor, which is an essential invention for making diagnoses and therapeutic techniques. The Olfactor Therapy Method includes its three main components: educational, diagnostic and therapeutic. The method is aimed at people at any stage of life and with various disabilities (e.g. for children
with intellectual disabilities; children with delayed speech development; children with special educational needs; for people with memory disorders – with Alzheimer’s disease).


"Olfactor" Therapy Method, device, neurodidactics, special education, speech therapy

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Date of publication: 2024-12-31 15:40:09
Date of submission: 2024-04-04 22:37:52


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