La investigación científica del español sudamericano: consideraciones sobre la selección de criterios / Research on Spanish Language in South America. Reflections on the Selection of Criteria

Joanna Wilk-Racięska


The aim of the article is to draw attention to some of the features of Amerindian languages underlying several morphosyntactic transformations in South American Spanish, which cause it to significantly differ from Spanish. The focus is on the hierarchy and lexicalization of the aspect and the broadly understood concept of dynamicity. The article proves that these differences, resulting from different visions of the world (Lozada, 2006) and different conceptualizations of temporality (Evans, 2007; Wilk-Racięska, 2007b), can be of great significance in research of both American Indians and some of the transformations in Spanish language.


aspect; time; modality; South American languages; Spanish in South America

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Date of publication: 2020-09-30 14:54:54
Date of submission: 2020-01-31 17:08:45


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