The Mediterranean Sea in Gautier’s "Voyage en Espagne" is as Hostile as it is Sublime

Mª Elena Baynat Monreal


The Journey to Spain is one of the most recognized and analysed travel stories of the 19th century. However, the last chapter, which recounts the sea journey back to France, is less well known, but crucial for understanding the author's conflicting feelings: a constant back and forth between adventure and routine. The Mediterranean Sea becomes a means to an end, as hostile as it is sublime, which influences the writer's’ state of mind and helps him to experience a more reflective and progressive return, after six months of total disconnection.


Théophile Gautier; Voyage en Espagne"; Mediterranean Sea; romanticism


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Date of publication: 2023-01-20 10:52:22
Date of submission: 2022-02-12 11:33:31


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