School Leaders’ Perceptions and Practices of Social Justice in Education. A Case Study

Dimitris Zachos, Dimitra Mandala


School leadership seems to play an important role in promoting social justice goals in education, particularly in relation to students from historically disadvantaged and marginalized groups. This study is based on research concerning the perceptions and views of principals of secondary (level of) education in Thessaloniki (Greece) regarding social justice. Our research strategy was Case Study and our main technique was Semi-Structured Interview. Data were analysed with the Thematic Analysis. According to the results, the principals in our study perceived social justice as providing equal opportunities, equal participation, and inclusiveness of all students in the school. The participants in our research appreciate that with the assistance of all members of the school community, there are opportunities to implement social justice in schools. Finally, principals in our research believe that training is needed, as well as changes in administrative and educational practices that promote social justice.


school leadership; social justice; marginalization; educational opportunities

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Date of publication: 2024-12-13 13:06:51
Date of submission: 2024-03-06 17:33:38


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