Cybersecurity Threats in the Sectors of Oil, Natural Gas and Electric Power in the Context of Technological Evolution

Wojciech Konaszczuk


The announcement of the state of global COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to the negative health, economic and social phenomena, has triggered a massive phenomenon of transferring most aspects of human life to cyberspace. The last decade has shown a geometric progression of the growth of cybersecurity incidents worldwide, including the energy sector. This paper is a conceptual work, while the basic research problem refers to the determination of the level and area of cybersecurity regulation of the energy sector in the supranational, EU and national systems. The fundamental thesis is to confirm the initial assumption of insufficient degree of legal protection of the network, both in the systems of international and internal law. The main purpose is to demonstrate critical legal solutions that will result in the future in critical and serious incidents in the energy supply chain, as well as energy logistics. The originality of the study is associated with the attempt to compile separate legal systems, the subject of regulation of which is cybersecurity of the energy sector. The cognitive value for practice is associated with the indication of a unified conceptual grid and the indication of the main regulations of the issue.


cyberspace; cybersecurity of the energy sector; legal systems; technological evolution

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Date of publication: 2021-10-13 00:45:46
Date of submission: 2021-07-17 18:28:43


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