Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 57, No 2 (2023) Investing in Sustainable Development as a Form of Alternative Investments in Financial Markets – Analysis of the Volatility of Rates of Return of Open-End SRI Funds in Poland Abstract   PDF
Dominika Krawczyńska
Vol 57, No 2 (2023) Investment Activity and Technological Opportunities for Human Capital Development. The Case of the “Pszukaj” Application for Ukrainian Refugees in Poland Abstract   PDF
Nina Stepanok, Patryk Tomasz Kaczmarek, Analoliy M. Kholodenko
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Investment Activity of Polish Farms Including Own Funds Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Marta Baraniak
Vol 48, No 2 (2014) Investment and China's economic growth in the years 1980-2012 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Tomasz Białowąs
Vol 48, No 2 (2014) Investment and revenue of the SME sector in Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Piotr Piwowarski
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Investment Fund Companies in the Development of Employee Pension Programs in Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Kamila Stańczak-Strumiłło
Vol 47, No 3 (2013) Investment potential of Lower Silesian communes Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Zofia Łękawa
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Investment Signals on Polish Stock Market Generated by Ichimoku Technique Against GDP Changes Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Bartłomiej Bąk
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Investments in Collectible Cars as an Example of Passion Investment Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jakub Czerniak, Karolina Fijałek
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Investor Sentiment and WIG Returns Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Paweł Sekuła
Vol 47, No 3 (2013) IPO activity and underpricing on alternative investment market (NewConnect) in Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Agata Gemzik-Salwach, Paweł Perz
Vol 56, No 2 (2022) Is Crowdfunding an Adequate Form of Financing for Opportunity- or Necessity-Based Enterprises? Abstract   PDF
Dominika Kordela
Vol 57, No 3 (2023) Is It a Real COVID-19 Fear? A Cross-Industry Study of Fear on the Stock Market Abstract   PDF
Magdalena Jasiniak, Olga Krzeczewska, Anna Pluskota
Vol 54, No 4 (2020) Is There a Link between User Charges and Expenditures on Public Kindergartens in Poland? Abstract   PDF
Marcin Będzieszak
Vol 47, No 4 (2013) Issuing of bank bonds - fashion or necessity? Abstract   PDF
Witold Gradoń
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) IT Solution for Business Process Management Efficiency – Evaluation Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Łukasz Osuszek, Stanisław Stanek
Vol 49, No 4 (2015) Jednoczesne obniżenie i podwyższenie kapitału zakładowego – - przyczyny i skutki Abstract
Elżbieta Wrońska-Bukalska
Vol 49, No 2 (2015) Jubilee reflection Details   PDF (Język Polski)   PDF
Bogumiła Mucha-Leszko
Vol 57, No 4 (2023) Just Culture Maturity Assessment Tool and Its Application in Medium-Sized Food Company in Poland Abstract   PDF
Małgorzata Zdzisława Wiśniewska, Eugenia Czernyszewicz, Małgorzata Koniuszy
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Kilka uwag na temat intensyfikacji zjawiska legalnego minimalizowania ciężarów podatkowych Abstract
Anna Drywa
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Knowledge Management Process in the Light of the Literature of the Subject Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Dorota Chmielewska-Muciek
Vol 54, No 3 (2020) Labour Productivity of Farms in Poland Depending on Their Economic Size Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Nowak
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Labour Taxation in OECD. Comparative Analysis and Conclusions for Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Krajewska
Vol 47, No 1 (2013) Large banks and their role in the financial crisis Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jerzy Węcławski
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Leasing and Bank Credit in the System of Public Procurement in Poland in Comparison with Other European Countries Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Wojciech Starzyński
Vol 48, No 4 (2014) Leasing in public procurement system in Poland – development and assessment Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Wojciech Starzyński
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Legal Instruments of Effective Enforcement of Public Receivables Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Elżbieta Dalkowska
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Legal Instruments Regulating the Transfer of Financial Resources to Tax Havens Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Krzysztof Magdij
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Life Insurance in the Structure of Household Savings Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Izabela Ostrowska-Dankiewicz
Vol 47, No 3 (2013) Limiting of expenditures of the repayment of foreign currency mortgage loans Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Michał Buszko
Vol 47, No 3 (2013) Lintner’s partial adjustments of dividends model for Warsaw Stock Exchange Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Mieczysław Kowerski
Vol 54, No 2 (2020) Liquidity – Profitability Relationship Analysed with the Granger Causality Test on the Example of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Abstract   PDF
Anna Pluskota, Monika Bolek, Rafał Wolski
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Liquidity Risk and a Level of Liquidity of Enterprises in Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Rzeczycka, Gabriela Golawska-Witkowska
Vol 49, No 2 (2015) List of publications Details   PDF (Język Polski)   PDF
Katarzyna Twarowska
Vol 49, No 1 (2015) List of publications Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Genowefa Sobczyk
Vol 57, No 4 (2023) Listing Switch on the Warsaw Stock Exchange: Raising Capital and Financial Leverage Abstract   PDF
Dorota Podedworna-Tarnowska
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Loan Growth Strategies and Income Smoothing in Central European Banks Abstract   PDF
Dorota Skała
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Loans to Euro Area Households in the Period of Restrictive Lending Policy of Banks and Non-standard Eurosystem Activities Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Katarzyna Kochaniak
Vol 55, No 1 (2021) Local Currency – an Empirical Analysis of the Level of Knowledge and Acceptance among the Representatives of the Young Generation Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Mirosław Sołtysiak
Vol 56, No 4 (2022) Local Debt and the Development of Municipal Infrastructure. The Case of Małopolska Abstract   PDF
Katarzyna Owsiak
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Local Government Tax System – Initial Restructuring Proposals Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Zbigniew Ofiarski
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Local Taxes and Fees in the Context of the Intercommunal Inequality of Revenues Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Sławomira Kańduła, Joanna Śmiechowicz
Vol 49, No 1 (2015) Logistic processes in the marketing activity of enterprises Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Czesław Skowronek
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Long-term unemployment as a problem of the Polish labour market Abstract   PDF
Karolina Anna Jasińska
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Low Interest Rates and Changes in the Banking Income Structure in EU Countries Abstract   PDF
Sylwester Kozak
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Macroeconomic Effects of the Euro Introduction in Selected EU Member States Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Bogdan Włodarczyk
Vol 49, No 1 (2015) Main directions of scientific-research and didactic activity Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Genowefa Sobczyk
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Main Reasons for Difficulties in Practical Realization of Duties Encountered by the Court Enforcement Officer as a Value Added Tax Remitter Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Tomasz Kazimierz Chojnacki
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) Management by objectives at the Polish Social Insurance Institution Abstract
Anna Henryka Matuszewska
Vol 47, No 3 (2013) Management fee and performance of polish real estate funds Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Paweł Oleksy
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