Fantasy and Metalepsis in Rainbow Rowell’s Diptych “Fangirl” (2013) and “Carry On” (2015)

Marion Velain


In Fangirl (2013) and Carry On (2015), the American writer Rainbow Rowell blurs the lines between reality and fiction, as well as extradiegetic and intradiegetic narratives. This article aims
to shed light on the transgressive and unstable aspects of Rowell’s fictional worlds where her characters are able to move from one diegetic level to another. By placing the embedded story in Fangirl at another level, the Young Adult author presents a work where borders do not exist. Through the expansion of the intertwined worlds, she jostles the standard and normative codes of
time and space in literature.


fabulation; metalepsis; Rainbow Rowell; American literature; fanfiction


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Date of publication: 2020-12-22 14:44:37
Date of submission: 2020-04-17 20:41:11


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