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Issue Title
Vol 5 (2022): edited by Marian Zdyb Additional Components of the Administrative Decision in the Labor Inspector’s Permit for a Child under 16 to Perform Work or Other Paid Activities Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Iwona Gęsicka
Vol 7 (2024): edited by Grzegorz Lubeńczuk Amendments to the State Border Protection Act in 2021–2023 as the Legislator’s Response to External Threats to the Republic of Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Łukasz Maszewski
Vol 6 (2023): edited by Jerzy Stelmasiak Animal Welfare According to Official Controls in Agri-Food Chain Legislation Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Agnieszka Serlikowska
Vol 1 (2018): edited by Hanna Spasowska-Czarny Animals with Regard to Climate Changes - International and European Law Aspects Abstract   PDF
Olha Sushyk, Daria Rosokhata
Vol 1 (2018): edited by Hanna Spasowska-Czarny Animals’ Mental Suffering Paradigm in Estonian Judicial and Media Environment Abstract   PDF
Mari-Ann Susi
Vol 3 (2020): edited by Kamil Sikora Are We Really Dealing with New Control Powers of Local Councilors? Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Wąsowska
Vol 4 (2021): edited by Paweł Szczęśniak Artificial Intelligence and Law-Making – Reflections on the Basis of Mirko Pečarič’s Article “Lex Ex Machina: Reasons for Algorithmic Regulation” (“Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology” 2021, vol. 15(1), pp. 85–117, DOI: Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Karol Dąbrowski
Vol 4 (2021): edited by Paweł Szczęśniak Binding Findings of a Final Conviction in the Light of Article 11 of the Law on Proceedings before Administrative Courts on the Example of the Right to Deduct Tax on Goods and Services Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Piotr Kobylski
Vol 5 (2022): edited by Marian Zdyb Collecting Information from the Public Sector vs. the Economic Development of the Private Sector: Practical Analysis of the Issues, de lege ferenda Postulates Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Bogusław Ulijasz, Magdalena Kuszmider
Vol 3 (2020): edited by Kamil Sikora Commentary on the Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court of 13 November 2013, II OZ 974/13 (LEX no. 1398284) Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Dorota Lebowa
Vol 1 (2018): edited by Hanna Spasowska-Czarny Commentary on the Judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of 20 June 2018 (II OSK 3084/17) Abstract   PDF
Anna Ostrowska, Jakub Polanowski
Vol 4 (2021): edited by Paweł Szczęśniak Commentary on the Judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of February 26, 2019 (II FSK 3436/18) Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jędrzej Owoc
Vol 5 (2022): edited by Marian Zdyb Commentary on the Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 25 August 2022 (III FSK 1262/21) Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Barbara Smuk
Vol 2 (2019): edited by Anna Ostrowska Conditions for Medical Use of Marijuana in Poland – Aspects of Administrative Law Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Michał Kuna
Vol 7 (2024): edited by Grzegorz Lubeńczuk Connection Between the Form of Settling an Administrative Matter and the Protection of Personal Data Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Mateusz Gabryel
Vol 7 (2024): edited by Grzegorz Lubeńczuk Considerations on the Legal Position (Rights) of a Witness Remaining with a Party in a Partnership Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Konstanty Zaremba
Vol 5 (2022): edited by Marian Zdyb Constitutional Principles of Electoral Law in Local Government Elections in Poland and European Solutions – Contribution to the Discussion Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Marek Woźnicki
Vol 6 (2023): edited by Jerzy Stelmasiak Continuous “Groundhog Day”. Delivery of Public Services in the Big Voivodeship City from the Perspective of City District Council – an Example of Lublin Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Karol Dąbrowski
Vol 1 (2018): edited by Hanna Spasowska-Czarny Corruption Risks in the Field of Public-Legal Protection of Animals: Case of Ukraine Abstract   PDF
Tetyana Kolomoyets, Oleksii Makarenkov
Vol 7 (2024): edited by Grzegorz Lubeńczuk Critical Commentary to the Judgment of the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw of 11 April 2023 (VII SA/Wa 2467/22) Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Paweł Jochymczyk, Wojciech Wydmański
Vol 3 (2020): edited by Kamil Sikora Disciplinary Liability of Members of Collective Bodies of the Self-Government of Legal Advisers Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Dominik Seroka
Vol 5 (2022): edited by Marian Zdyb Electronic Public Services for Citizens – an Outline of the Issues Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Paweł Śwital
Vol 2 (2019): edited by Anna Ostrowska Ethics in the Operation of Banks in the Perspective of the Financial Crisis of 2007–2009 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Eliza Komierzyńska-Orlińska
Vol 5 (2022): edited by Marian Zdyb Evidence in the Proceedings before the Russian Influence Commission Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Łukasz Dubiński
Vol 2 (2019): edited by Anna Ostrowska Evolution of Polish Legal Regulations Devoted to the Issue of Licensing Business Activities Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Agnieszka Wołoszyn-Cichocka
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