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Author Guidelines

The Res Historica journal issues only articles which were previously unpublished by another publisher.
While sending the article, the Author is obliged to attach a declaration, in which he/she will assure of the originality of his/her work, and that it is currently not participating in any other publishing proceedings. Additionally, the Author should declare that in the case of his/her material no phenomenon of “ghost-writing” or “guest authorship” is taking place.

The editorial board of Res Historica accepts articles, materials, review articles and reviews prepared in the Polish language, as well as in the congress languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian and also Ukrainian.

The articles should be prepared in accordance with the following rules:
1. It is recommended that the text be submitted in one copy of a computer printout (font Times New Roman size 12, footnotes – 10), line spacing – 1.5 using 2.5 cm margins. The text must be accompanied by a summary and key words in the language of the article, not exceeding ½ page of an editorial typescript, a summary and key words in English and references. A floppy disc or a CD should be attached to the printout. 2. The arrangements for the first page of the article and the review article (i.e. a broader, polemical review): the title on the axis. All elements should be in the letter text, not in capital letters.

3. In a review we place the heading above the text: the full name and surname of the author whose work is being reviewed, the full title in accordance with the cover page (if the review relates to a collective work or an edition of a source, we give full names and surnames of the editors of publishers after the title; if the work includes a few volumes- we give the number of volumes or parts in the Arabic numerals after the title, i.e. Vol. 1-2), place and year of publication, place and year of publication, the name of the publishing house, number of pages, possibly the name of the editorial series.

4. Titles and quotes. The titles of works and documents: a) manuscripts: the original titles of documents, papers, etc. we put in the quotation marks, b) the titles printed works and documents we put in italics. Quotation marks in quotes- generally double quotation marks (at the bottom and then on the top).

5. The spelling of names, surnames and other expressions referring to a person. We use the original spelling of names and surnames in the native language of the people who are mentioned. In the case of the Slavic names and surnames which were written in the Cyrillic, we apply transliteration. In the case of widely known figures, we accept the forms (of names and surnames), which are present in the historiographical tradition. The names of the people who are mentioned for the first time in the text or narrative fragment of a footnote should be quoted in full. In other cases, we put the initials of names and surnames or- in the case of figures, who are known or frequently mentioned in the text- only a surname. In the reviews the word “Author” we write in capital letters as long as it relates to the author whose work is being reviewed.

6. The use of abbreviations, recording dates, numerals:. o In the texts we use generally accepted abbreviations, etc.,et al. o Placing the dates in the text: a) the month in words, for example: March 14, 1971; b) with different styles (calendars): 10/20 May 1589, but 27 II / 11 III 1896; c) the periods from- to: i.e. 1-10 May 1900, 1 May - 10 June 1900; d) with dates placed in brackets- month given in Roman numerals, for example: (1 V 1826).

  • Dates in the footnotes: a) a month in the Roman numerals, for example: 5 III 1900 (but not for quotes and narrative fragments); b) in the absence of the date for a day, the month is always written in full, for example: March 1825. o The spelling of the terms "age", "year": a) before – written in full, for example: in the sixteenth century, in the year 1928; b) after- abbreviated, i.e. in the 16th century, in 1928.
  • In the terms such as "in the second half", "in the eighties", no digits should be used. 
  • Numerals: a) the digital record of space separating the magnitudes, i.e. 1234, 11 456, 234 567; b) the digital record using the abbreviations: thousand, million, billion, i.e. 2 th., 5 mln., 10 bln.

7. The footnotes. The numbers of footnotes are placed in an upper fraction without parentheses, periods, etc., in line with indentation. Their references in the text are placed in the upper fraction. If a footnote coincides with a comma, a semicolon or a full-stop ending the sentence – it should be placed before these characters (except for the shortcuts, i.e.: etc.). In footnotes we apply the same abbreviations as in the text and conventional Latin abbreviations: ibid, idem, eadem, iidem, eaedem, op. cit. 8. Bibliography.

  • Journals: initial of the name and then full surname of the author, the title of the text (in italics), the journal title in quotation marks, year, year of publication, number or issue with Arabic numerals, pages.
  • Monographs: initial of the name and then full surname of the author, title in italics, place and year of publishing, series name and volume number without distinction, the pages at the end. In the case of collective works, after the title of the mentioned work we place a comma and then- in: (without rectangular brackets), we place the title of collective work written in italics and the initial of the name and full surname of the editor.
  • o We use Polish abbreviations: Ed. (and not: under the ed. of)
  • o Provide DOI numbers for references if available.

Materials which do not meet the above requirements will be returned to the authors.

Manuscript sources (stored in archives and libraries): in the quotations one should provide the full name of an institution, the full name of a fonds, the full name of a series (if present), a signature number (sygn., rkps), page/card number, e.g. Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych, Komisja Rządowa Spraw Wewnętrznych, sygn. 12, k. 5. Subsequently, when referring to a source from the same archive and fonds, one should use abbreviated names of the archive and fonds, e.g. AGAD, KRSW, sygn. 12, k. 5. If the pages in an archival unit of the card/page are not numbered, one should utilize the following format: AGAD, KRSW, sygn. 18, knlb., Gubernator augustowski do dyrektora Komisji Rządowej Spraw Wewnętrznych, 13 X 1839 r.

Note: Please use the names of the documents in the bibliographic descriptions only in the case where a given unit does not contain numbered pages or cards. In the case when a reference is made to multiple cards or pages in an archiwal unit, one should use the term ‘passim’.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal and you have ready to attach with your article signed percentage of author`s work declaration.

  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  7. Please note!

    Dear Author, here you will find a hint how to properly upload your article.


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