Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) The Influence of Processes of Demutualization on the Financial Efficiency of Stock Exchanges Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Alina Rydzewska
Vol 47, No 3 (2013) The influence of time to expiration on properties of hybrid collar options Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Ewa Dziawgo
Vol 47, No 3 (2013) The innovativeness of enterprises in the EU countries - Measurement and Evaluation Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Bożena Mikołajczyk
Vol 54, No 1 (2020) The Innovativeness of Individual Farms in the Łódź Region Abstract   PDF
Marta Baraniak, Dorota Starzyńska
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) The Institution of Excise Tax Refund vs. Its Fiscal Efficiency Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Edyta Sygut
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) The institutional protection of industrial heritage in the strategic perspective in Poland on the example of the Górny Śląsk region Abstract   PDF
Izabela Jonek-Kowalska, Marian Turek
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) The Instruments of Financial Security of Local Government Units Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Katarzyna Owsiak
Vol 48, No 4 (2014) The integration of the labor market of Ukraine into territorial migration systems: Euro spatial aspect Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Marianna Bil
Vol 57, No 1 (2023) The Intention to Cart Abandonment in the Context of Multi-Channel Pricing Abstract   PDF
Ilona Lipowska
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) The Investment Effectiveness of Polish Pension Funds During the Changes of Market Benchmark Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Andrzej Karpio, Dorota Żebrowska-Suchodolska
Vol 57, No 1 (2023) The Issues of Fashion Brand Equity in a Circular Economy Abstract   PDF
Jolanta Bieńkowska
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) The Knowledge-Based Economy as a Determinant of Economic Convergence between Poland and Highly Developed EU Countries Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Piotr Jerzy Mańkiewicz
Vol 49, No 2 (2015) The latest changes in the construction of personal income tax in Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Alicja Pomorska
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) The Level of the Informal Sector in Poland in the Context of the Taxation Gap Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Andrzej Buszko
Vol 49, No 2 (2015) The Liberal Bases of EU Competition Policy and the Case of Gas Sector Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Angelo Santagostino
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) The Main Problems Encountered in Income Taxes on the Background of the Case Law of Administrative Courts Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Artur Mudrecki
Vol 57, No 1 (2023) The Market Reaction to Stock Splits – Evidence from the Warsaw Stock Exchange Abstract   PDF
Paweł Sekuła
Vol 57, No 1 (2023) The Maturity Level of Quality Management and Medical Service Improvement by Wielkopolska District Hospitals Abstract   PDF
Małgorzata Chojnacka
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) The Mission and Cooperative Principles as a Fundamental Factors of a Development of Cooperative Sector Bank in Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Józefa Gniewek
Vol 48, No 3 (2014) The mobile payment market in Poland - state and perspectives of development Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Monika Klimontowicz
Vol 47, No 3 (2013) The monetary policy and the market of treasury securities in the euro area Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Przemysław Panfil
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) The Most Advantageous Offer and the Estimated Value of the Public Contract and “the Extremely Low Price” in the System of Public Procurement Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Wacława Starzyńska
Vol 49, No 4 (2015) The Most Economically Advantageous Offer in the Light of the Last Amendment of Public Procurement Law on the Example of Protection Services Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Wacława Starzyńska, Mateusz Hałka
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) The Motives for the Issuance of Callable Convertible Bonds by American and European Companies – a Comparative Analysis Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Damian Kaźmierczak
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) The Need for Rationalization of Tax Rates on the Extraction of Certain Minerals Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Przemysław Pest
Vol 49, No 4 (2015) The New Act on Bonds Opportunity to Revitalize the Non-Treasure Debt Market in Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Witold Gradoń
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) The notion of multilateralism in the retreat Abstract
Daniel Nagel
Vol 47, No 3 (2013) The objective exchange value of money within the subjective theory of value Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Katarzyna Appelt
Vol 49, No 4 (2015) The operating performance of Polish companies changing their stock market Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Wawryszuk-Misztal
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) The Opportunities for Gminas (Communes) to Use Taxes and Charges to Impound Profits from “Spatial Planning Rent” – Selected Issues Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Katarzyna Aleksandra Wójtowicz
Vol 56, No 4 (2022) The Perception of Insurance Crime Held by Students Abstract   PDF
Anna Bera, Dariusz Pauch
Vol 48, No 4 (2014) The perspectives of development of NFC mobile payments in Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Michał Polasik
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) The phenomenon of tax avoidance – the essence, causes and measures (clauses) of prevention in the EU Abstract   PDF
Jolanta Szołno-Koguc, Natalia Ołówko
Vol 57, No 4 (2023) The Popularity of Single-Family Housing in Real Estate Development Activity in the Light of the Pandemic – the Case Study of Łódź Abstract   PDF
Agata Antczak-Stępniak
Vol 55, No 2 (2021) The Practice of Green HRM in Poland – with the Focus on Elements of the HR Function Abstract   PDF
Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) The Price of Gold as a Determinant of Prices of Gold Mining Stocks Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Katarzyna Mamcarz
Vol 49, No 4 (2015) The Problem of Legality of the European Central Bank’s Anti-Crisis Decisions with the Provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Tomasz Knepka
Vol 48, No 1 (2014) The process of cascading of the strategy for the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Joanna Świerk
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) The Process of Reforming the International Monetary Fund Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Piotr Łasak
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) The Public Procurement and Innovativeness of Economy. The Perspective of Buying Agencies in Poland Abstract   PDF
Wacława Starzyńska
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) The Quota Scheme as the Source of the Financial Problems of the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Andrzej Koza
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) The Rationale and Consequences of Interests’ Conflicts in the Area of Capital Concentration Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Danuta Barbara Kozłowska-Makóś
Vol 55, No 3 (2021) The Readiness to Cooperate Within the Triple Helix Model in Poland Abstract   PDF
Kinga Ewa Bednarzewska
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) The Reasons for Changes in Business Models of Banks Including in Particular the Tax on Some Financial Institutions and Capital Requirements Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Pyka, Monika Klimontowicz
Vol 49, No 4 (2015) The Regulatory Changes’ Impact on Second Pension Pillar’s Institutions’ Financial Potential Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Paweł Trippner
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. Example of Border Regions of Eastern Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Małgorzata Jabłońska, Dorota Burzyńska
Vol 57, No 3 (2023) The Relationship Between Private and Public Investment in Developing Countries with Different Levels of Human Capital Abstract   PDF
Michał Brzozowski
Vol 58, No 3 (2024) The Relationship Between Quality Management and Marketing – Study of the Current Situation Abstract   PDF
Joanna Majchrzak
Vol 49, No 4 (2015) The Relationship Between Volatility of CHF/PLN Rate and Trading Volume of CHF/PLN Futures on the Warsaw Stock Exchange Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Ewa Widz
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) The Relevance of Foreign Ownership and Financial Liberalization for Determining Banking Risk: A Comparative Analysis of European Countries Abstract   PDF
Renata Karkowska
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