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Issue Title
No 24 (2017) A scientific conference report: Eye to eye with...neuroscience. Details   PDF (Język Polski)
Marlena Wanda Stradomska
No 37 (2024): New Technologies and Old Problems, ed. by Marcin Trybulec and Tomasz Walczyk A Technorealism and the Social Consequences of Technology Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Halina Rarot
No 25 (2018): Kryzys wartości? A theory of history and the research of value. Towards the defense and praise of practical sense in the making of historical discourse Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Ewa Solska
No 20 (2016) A Word of Welcome (Morality – Between Theory and Life-World, Toruń, 25 September 2014 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Manfred Sommer
No 37 (2024): New Technologies and Old Problems, ed. by Marcin Trybulec and Tomasz Walczyk A World without Growth, a Society of Values. Review: Tim Jackson, "Post Growth. Life after Capitalism" (Polish edition) Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Zuzanna Małecka
No 12 (2014): Issues in German Philosophy About Russian Idea once again – currently and right. Review: Paweł Rojek, Przekleństwo imperium. Źródło rosyjskiego zachowania, Wydawnictwo M, Kraków 2014 (120 s.) Details   PDF (Język Polski)
Cezar Jędrysko
No 9 (2014) Aesthetic Qualities of Francis Bacon’s Canvases and the Issue of Value Response Abstract   PDF
Artur Mordka
No 8 (2013): Problems and Approaches in Axiology and Ethics, ed. by L. Kopciuch, T. Siwiec Age as Original Sociocultural Construct in Tradition, Modern and Postmodern Societies: what does it mean to be a young person? Abstract   PDF
Agne Dorelaitiene
No 19 (2016) Alien or Just Different – Several Ethical Aspects of Dehumanisation Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Dawid Wincław
No 13 (2015): On Crisis An Attempt at a Typology of Catastrophic Thought Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Leszek Gawor
No 34 (2022) An attempt to reflect on the conditions of the possibility of universalism of values in the face of cultural and civilization pluralism Abstract
Joanna Ilona Janicka
No 30 (2020) An Heterotopian Hospital: Architecture, Existence, Malady Abstract   PDF
Wojciech Kamil Mackiewicz
No 5 (2013) Andrzej Rusław Nowicki’s Incontrological Concept of Reciprocity Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Janusz Łukaszyński
No 9 (2014) An-Nisayat – Different Dimensions of Feminism in the Muslim World Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Ewa Szczepankiewicz-Rudzka
No 23 (2017): Problem podmiotu Antropologiczne skutki globalizacji Abstract
No 34 (2022) Approbation and Disapprobation in Husserl’s Phenomenology: Navigating Value Conflicts through Justified Evaluations Abstract   PDF
Alessandro Guardascione
No 34 (2022) Aristoteles über die ethischen Grundlagen und das Ziel des Staates Abstract
Friedo Ricken SJ
No 6 (2013) Aristotle’s Quest for an Ideal Political System Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Monika Malmon
No 28 (2019) Authenticity and Will: A Critical Approach to Ortega y Gasset’s Philosophy of Education Abstract   PDF
Jose Maria Ariso
No 22 (2017) Axiological and economic implications of transhumanizm Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Rutkowska
No 19 (2016) Benefits of History Laws Application Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Grzegorz Bednarczyk
No 27 (2019) Between instinct and rationality - the supreme value for Nietzsche and Socrates Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Maciej Wodziński
No 15 (2015): Debates over the Enlightenment Between the Enlightenment and Scholasticism: Selected Problems of the Reception of Kant’s Philosophy in the Polish Philosophy of the Early Nineteenth Century and the Perspectives of New Research Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Tomasz Kupś
No 34 (2022) Between the Need for Freedom and Universalism and the Need for Spiritual Security and Particularism Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jacek Breczko
No 37 (2024): New Technologies and Old Problems, ed. by Marcin Trybulec and Tomasz Walczyk Between Utopia and Civil Disobedience. The Question of Violence in Edward Abramowski’s Social and Political Thought Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Michał Gniadek
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